What Is Maple Syrup Urine Disease?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. How Is MSUD Treated?

The treatment plan for maple syrup urine disease depends on the type and the severity of the illness. All patients with this condition should be monitored regularly for signs of metabolic stress. Monitoring can be done by testing the urine for ketones and taking regular blood samples to test for the levels of amino acids that may be on the rise. Any time metabolic stress is likely, such as during times of rapid growth or illness, additional testing should be completed to review the entire metabolic panel for concerns.

Along with regular monitoring, those suffering from MSUD need to adhere to a specific diet to maintain balance. The diet requires lowering the intake of protein-rich foods so that the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine are not able to build up in the body as easily. Protein-rich foods to avoid include meat, dairy, nuts, eggs, soy, legumes, gluten and other related foods. Since the diet is so limited, individuals with MSUD need to take vitamins and supplements to receive some of the nutrients that they may be missing.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease

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