What Is Maple Syrup Urine Disease?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
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6. What Is Intermittent MSUD?

Intermittent maple syrup urine disease is less severe than either the classic or intermediate diagnosis. Individuals diagnosed with the intermittent condition do not experience symptoms from the disorder at all times. They also do not typically have deficiencies in neurological function, growth or intellectual ability. Since individuals with intermittent MSUD do not experience symptoms all the time, the treatment plan is different from those with the other sub-types.

Those with intermittent MSUD can still develop concerning and potentially dangerous symptoms during an episode of metabolic distress, including the possibility of brain damage, coma or, in the most extreme metabolic crises, death. There are certain activities that can bring on an episode of intermittent MSUD symptoms, such as illness or infection, excessive stress or a period of fasting. It is important for individuals with this type of MSUD to self-monitor for changes.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease

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