What Is Maple Syrup Urine Disease?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. What Is the Prognosis for MSUD?

Early identification, regular monitoring and dietary restrictions are all important parts of the MSUD treatment plan. When an infant is diagnosed as a newborn and treated quickly, it lowers the chance of significant developmental issues. For many individuals with this disorder, monitoring and dietary limitations make enough of an impact to not need any more intervention. However, for more severe cases, diet and regular monitoring may not be enough to prevent regular episodes of metabolic stress and more invasive measures must be taken.

Some people with MSUD are able to improve the prognosis only with advanced intervention. Those with thiamine-response MSUD can eat higher levels of protein than other types, but only if these individuals also receive thiamine doses at a high level. In other cases, the only way to eliminate symptoms is through a liver transplant. Organ transplants also come with their own risks, including the surgery itself, chance of rejection and issues with taking immunosuppressants. With more studies on this rare condition, even better treatment plans can be developed.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease

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