What Is Hypophosphatasia?

By amanda
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. What Are the Symptoms of Prenatal Benign Hypophosphatasia?

Prenatal hypophosphatasia begins while the fetus is still in the womb, and symptoms manifest before the child is born. This form of the condition typically improves after birth, though the symptoms do not necessarily go away completely. It is not unusual for a child to grow up after prenatal benign hypophosphatasia still experiencing symptoms in line with odontohypophosphatasia, but it may progress to full-blown infantile hypophosphatasia. An ultrasound can determine if the fetus is undergoing prenatal benign hypophosphatasia.

Children born with prenatal benign hypophosphatasia can experience skeletal deformities. Most commonly, these are observed as bowed limbs. This form is different from infantile hypophosphatasia, which does not display any abnormalities at the time of birth. It is also typically much less severe than infantile hypophosphatasia or perinatal hypophosphatasia.


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