What Is Horner's Syndrome?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Diagnosing Horner’s Syndrome

If you are exhibiting the symptoms associated with Horner’s syndrome, you are likely curious about how a doctor can diagnose you. If you’ve noticed earlier signs, then visit your optometrist. He or she can more accurately identify the condition and refer you to an ophthalmologist for more involved tests. These specialized eye doctors look at your ocular nerves and try to find any damage. If damage is found, the ophthalmologist needs to run tests to discover the root of the issue. This can involve an MRI, blood tests, and X-rays.

If you have any useful information that may be related to the condition, such as recently being in an accident or suffering a stroke, remember to share it during the appointment. This provides invaluable data to your doctor and informs the decisions he or she makes.

Horner's Syndrome

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