What Is Horner's Syndrome?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Horner’s Syndrome and Genetics

While there are a number of factors that can lead to the development of Horner’s syndrome, many researchers also believe it can come down to genetics in some individuals. Several studies suggest that certain people are more susceptible to obstructions in the neural pathways connected to the eyes because of abnormal genes inherited from a parent. A person who experiences this condition at some point is about 50% likely to pass that gene on to offspring. Still, genetics are only one factor. This syndrome can also develop idiopathically without a clear reason.

Visiting with a doctor as soon as symptoms begin to develop is the best way to determine whether you’re dealing with Horner’s syndrome and how best to discover the cause. Your physician may also suggest certain treatments to help you handle symptoms or pain.

Horner's Syndrome

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