What Is HDL Cholesterol?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. How Does Diet and Exercise Affect HDL Levels?

Some of the diet and exercise changes can have a positive impact on increasing the levels of HDL. For example, a lower intake of simple carbohydrates, weight loss, and aerobic exercise may increase the HDL levels.

Other methods that may be beneficial include taking magnesium supplements, consuming omega-3 fatty acids from sources such as flax or fish oil, adding more soluble fiber to the diet, increasing the intake of unsaturated fats, and avoiding the ingestion of foods containing trans fatty acids (mostly found in snacks, packaged baked goods, and fried foods). It is important to know that although saturated fats help to raise HDL levels, it also increases the LDL and total cholesterol level.

HDL Cholesterol

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