What Is HDL Cholesterol?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Optimal HDL Size and Concentration

Based on the data from the MESA trial, researchers categorized the rates of cardiovascular issues against the amount and size of HDL particles. They found that those with the highest amount of HDL particles (more than 34.9 mol/L) have the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease while those with the lowest amount of HDL particles (less than 26.7 mol/L) have the highest rates of cardiovascular disease.

When the data involved the size of HDL particles, they found that those with the largest concentrations of HDL particles (more than 7.3 mol/L) have the lowest rates of cardiovascular events while those with the lowest amount of large HDL particles (less than 3.1mol/L) have the higher rates of cardiovascular disease.

HDL Cholesterol

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