What Is Fibromyalgia?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to diagnose because it can present with symptoms that mirror those of other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and hypothyroidism. Additionally, there are no laboratory tests, scans, or X-rays that can help reach a fibromyalgia diagnosis. If a doctor ordered for any of these tests and the patient does not have any of the other conditions, the results would be negative. This is the reason why many people with fibromyalgia go for long periods of time before they get the correct diagnosis.

Still, healthcare professionals with experience of managing fibromyalgia patients may order for these tests to rule out the other conditions. Also, in recent years, guidelines have been developed for carrying out diagnosis for fibromyalgia. These include factors like chronic pain that goes on for three months or longer in different parts of the body, fatigue, and cognitive problems including poor focus and concentration.


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