What Is Dandy Walker Syndrome?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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10. Treatment

There is no known cure for Dandy-Walker syndrome and there is no way yet to prevent it from occurring. Patients with the condition are treated to relieve the symptoms of medical conditions caused by the syndrome. This often includes physical therapy, special education, and medication that will help to keep the patient safe and more comfortable (i.e. prevent seizures).

As mentioned, one of the primary treatments when it comes to Dandy-Walker syndrome is treating the hydrocephalus that so often accompanies the syndrome. The idea is to relieve any pressure on the brain, draining the excess fluid, through a surgical procedure where a ventriculoperitoneal shunt is placed. Doing so can save the patient’s life, and also ensure that they don’t experience other medical conditions brought on by damage to the brain.

Dandy Walker Syndrome

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