What Is Colitis?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. Treatment

The treatment of colitis depends on many factors such as the age of the patient, medical history, type of colitis, complications, and overall physical condition. The first and most important step in colitis treatment is bowel rest. It is recommended to eat and drink only what can be useful to your bowel, especially in cases of ulcerative colitis. You should also increase your fluid intake significantly and eat nutritious foods. Food supplements or intravenous supplements can also be considered to rest the colon as long as possible. Of course, it is better to quit smoking too.

Antibiotics are usually only prescribed in cases of some infections. Antispasmodic drugs are also recommended to relieve pain. If the medical treatment does not work, surgical treatment may be considered. Surgery involves the removal of part of, or the whole colon and/or rectum.


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