What Is Cervicitis?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. How Is Cervicitis Treated?

The treatment for cervicitis depends on both the cause of the inflammation and the severity of the infection. If the condition is caused by an allergic reaction to feminine products, the products should be discontinued immediately. If the laboratory testing shows a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics will usually be necessary. The combination of discontinuing the allergenic product and using a course of antibiotics is typically enough for the inflammation and infection to subside.

When the cause of cervicitis is a sexually transmitted infection, the treatment is more difficult. To fully treat the issue, both partners will usually need a course of antibiotics and a period of abstinence from sexual activity together while the infection clears. In the case of viral STI, such as genital herpes, an antiviral can be prescribed that will reduce the chance of an active outbreak. Genital herpes is not curable but cervicitis is less likely when the STI is inactive.


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