What Is Cervicitis?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. How Can a Patient Prepare for a Diagnostic Appointment?

Preparation for an appointment to check for possible cervicitis is very similar to preparing for a routine visit to the gynecologist. The patient should avoid douching, intercourse or the use of tampons directly before the visit for an accurate analysis. If the patient suspects an allergy, she needs to make a list of any feminine deodorants, douches or spermicides she has recently used. Patients are typically asked questions about recent sexual history, including information about any sexual partners and the most recent times sexual intercourse has taken place. Patients also need to provide information about any current medications.

Another important part of a diagnostic appointment is having any questions answered. When patients come into an appointment with a list of questions, it helps the physician make sure all points have been covered. In general, the patient should ask about the potential cause of the condition, how to avoid the issue in the future and what course of treatment is recommended. In cases of sexually transmitted infections, it is also important to ask if the sexual partner or partners also need to seek treatment to prevent reinfection.


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