What Is a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage?

By james
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6. Repair of Aneurysm

When SAH is caused by a burst aneurysm, repairing the blood vessel through either open surgery or endovascular treatment is the top priority. Surgery involves opening the skull to access the brain. Surgeons place a clip at the base of the aneurysm or sew on another blood vessel to bypass it. They then replace the portion of the cranium that was cut and fasten it with titanium plates and screws.

Doctors sometimes perform endovascular treatment instead of surgery. One such technique, coiling, involves inserting a catheter into a femoral or carotid artery. The catheter is extended to the base of the aneurysm where it releases platinum coils to fill it and stop the bleeding. Another procedure similarly uses stents to reduce blood flow to the area.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

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