What Is a Hernia?

By adam
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. What Is the Treatment for a Hernia?

Unfortunately, there are only two treatment options for hernias: monitoring and surgical repair. In less severe cases, doctors might suggest watchful waiting. They will monitor hernia growth over a prolonged period of time. It is possible to live with a hernia and not experience any severe complications. If your doctor advises monitoring, they might also prescribe the use of a truss, which is an undergarment to help hold the hernia in place.

Alternatively, if your hernia is intrusive and potentially dangerous, doctors might recommend surgery. The surgery they suggest might be open or laparoscopic, with the latter being the least invasive. During the operation, surgeons will push the organ back through the hole in the abdominal wall and stitch the cavity shut. To reinforce the suture, they might use a surgical mesh.


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