What Is a Fistula?
7. Hemodialysis Fistula
A hemodialysis fistula is a communication that is surgically created between an artery and vein. Materials such as polyurethane, bovine vessels, saphenous veins, or other synthetic materials can be used as a communication medium between the vein and artery. This is created so it can be routinely used for hemodialysis several times a week.
In the United States, about 430,000 individuals are dependent on hemodialysis. An arteriovenous fistula has been found to be associated with the lowest morbidity, mortality, and cost. Patients with renal (kidney) failure who are not candidates for a renal transplant will be dependent on hemodialysis for the rest of their life. This means having a well-functioning fistula is crucial to provide access for the procedure.