What Is a Fistula?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Statistics

In developed countries, the commonest cause of a fistula is Crohn’s disease. It is estimated that as many as 40% of Crohn’s patients develop a fistula. In those who undergo radiation therapy, about 5% to 10% develop a fistula.

In developing countries, obstetric fistulas may be more common due to a higher rate of obstructed labor and lack of early access to emergency care. The outcome of this condition depends on the underlying condition, pain management, wound management, presence of abscess, infection, nutritional status, and more. Patients with an intestinal fistula not only suffer physically, but also emotionally due to the stigma of malodorous fistula drainage. There is also a higher rate of anxiety and depression due to lengthy hospital stays, delay in returning to daily routines, and restriction of social activities.


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