What Causes an Enlarged Spleen?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. Treatment

Sustainable treatment for splenomegaly must involve treatment of the main cause of an enlarged spleen. Many times a dysfunction of other organs, such as the liver, are the cause for splenomegaly. If this is the case, the dysfunctional organ will need to be treated in order to stop the problem. If the main cause is a bacterial infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

If the problem is viral or parasitic, the treatment plan will differ accordingly. Medications for the underlying cause is the first line of treatment. However, in some cases, the enlarged spleen may persist, and surgery may be needed to remove it. The operation is called a splenectomy. After removal of the spleen, the patient can live a normal life.

Enlarged Spleen

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