What Are Shin Splints?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Risk Factors

While anyone can be affected by shin splints, there are a few risk factors that increase the chance of you dealing with this uncomfortable syndrome. Here are some common risk factors to consider when determining whether you have this issue or another one causing discomfort along the edge of your shinbone.

Military recruits commonly experience shin splints. Starting intense workouts and training creates significant and unexpected strain in your tibia. Dancers and runners also are commonly affected by this syndrome.

Other factors to consider are having flat feet, rigid arches or improper footwear. Running on old shoes creates additional shock that can affect your entire body, particularly your shins. Individuals with flat feet or unusually rigid arches also experience a greater impact on their shins, which increases the risk of shin splints.

The amount of exercise necessary to cause this syndrome depends on the strength of your muscles and connective tissue. You don’t have to engage in extreme physical activity, but only an increase in your daily activity. Because of this, some individuals can experience this pain from vigorous walking or a short jog, while others only experience it after dramatically increasing their mileage while on a long-distance run.

Shin Splints

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