What Are Freckles?

By jolene
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9. Remedies and Prevention

Sunscreen is the cornerstone of having healthy skin. It also helps prevent the development of new freckles. It should be applied generously all year round even when it is cloudy. Sunscreen should be applied 15 minutes before going outdoors and reapplied every 2 hours and immediately after excessive sweating or activities such as swimming.

Topical fading creams are also available over the counter. However, some potential side effects include blistering, skin discoloration, dryness, burning, and inflammation. Topical retinoid cream and chemical peels are also options to lighten freckles. They also may cause skin irritation, redness, peeling, and sensitivity. Some natural remedies that may help (although not scientifically proven) are lemon juice, honey, yogurt, buttermilk, onion, and sour cream. These items can be applied over the skin, left on for several minutes, and washed off to help lighten the freckles.


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