What Are Freckles?
7. Diagnosis
The diagnosis of both ephelides and solar lentigines can be made by a dermatologist based on the patient’s history and examination of the freckles. Freckles are often seen in individuals who have a positive family history. Ephelides should be distinguished from solar lentigines, moles, and melanoma. Ephelides are often less than 3 millimeters while solar lentigines are usually 3 millimeters or more.
While ephelides are light brown, fade during winter, darken during summer, and are usually seen in those with Fitzpatrick type 1 and 2 skin, lentigines are generally darker, persistent (without fading), and can occur in all skin types. The presence of these lesions in the axillary (armpit) and inguinal (groin) region should prompt a more through examination to rule out other conditions.