What Are Freckles?

By jolene
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3. Fitzpatrick Skin Types

The Fitzpatrick scale is a classification schema used for human skin color. It was first developed by Thomas B. Fitzpatrick in 1975 to estimate the response to ultraviolet light in different skin types. It is still a recognized tool used in dermatological research. There are 6 types of skin tones based on the Fitzpatrick scale.

In type 1, the skin is palest and often freckles. It always burns and does not tan. In type 2, the skin tans minimally and usually burns. In type 3, the skin tans uniformly and sometimes burn albeit mildly. In type 4, the skin always tans well to moderate brown and burns minimally. Type 5 tans easily to a dark brown and rarely burns. Lastly, type 6 never burns and tans to a deeply pigmented brown to dark brown.


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