10 Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

By albert
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Symptom #5: Fatigue

Fatigue is what you get when your body is unable to cope with the demands of its various functions. Ulcerative colitis symptoms like diarrhea and bloody stools lead to constant loss of fluids and nutrients. These symptoms in addition to others like abdominal pain and cramping cause the body to expend a lot of energy as it tries to get back to normal. The loss of blood can also mean that your body becomes deficient of red blood cells and the hemoglobin which transports oxygen throughout the body.

This can have a serious toll on the body and lead to extreme tiredness and lack of energy. A patient may also experience reduced appetite, making it difficult for the body to recover the lost nutrients and fluids. Fatigue can make it difficult for you to carry out tasks you would otherwise handle with little effort.

Ulcerative Colitis

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