10 Strep Throat Symptoms
Symptom #9: Scarlatiniform Rash
A scarlatiniform rash is characteristically seen in scarlet fever. In strep throat, the rash starts one to two days after a sore throat, fatigue, or a fever. With a scarlatiniform rash, there is diffuse redness of the skin with small bumps and papules that resemble goose bumps. These bumps give the rash its characteristic sandpaper texture. The reddened skin also blanches if pressure is applied, and the rash may be itchy.
It first appears on the trunk and eventually spreads to the arms and legs, but it spares the face, palms, and soles. After the rash spreads, it becomes increasingly pronounced in skin creases and folds, such as in the armpit or groin. After one week, the rash fades and the skin desquamates, leaving a sunburned appearance.