Sports Hernia Symptoms

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Pain With Palpation of the Pubic Bone

The pubic bone is the front part of your pelvis. It consists of two different bones called rami, one on the left and one on the right. They are joined together by the symphysis pubis, which is a firm but flexible structure made of cartilage.

When you go to the doctor with complaints of groin pain, he or she will perform a physical examination to locate your pain. This often involves palpating the pubic bone, that is, feeling it to see if it is painful. If you have a sports hernia, your pain may increase with palpation. If your pain is unilateral, your doctor will typically palpate the pubic ramus on the symptomatic side first to see if it provokes your symptoms.

Sports Hernia

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