Sports Hernia Symptoms

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. Pain That Affects the Lower Abdomen

Groin strains and sports hernias can both cause pain in the pubic area. However, with a sports hernia, you typically also experience pain in the area of the lower abdomen. This is because some of the muscles involved in a sports hernia are different than those affected by a groin strain.

Sports hernias often occur because of an imbalance of strength between the muscles of the abdomen, particularly the rectus abdominis, and the muscles of the lower extremities, particularly the hip adductors. These muscles all attach to the pubic bone, and the imbalance of strength between them can put stress on them during activities such as twisting or cutting. The increased strain can cause damage to both sets of muscles, which is why pain from a sports hernia can affect the lower abdomen.

Sports Hernia

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