10 Signs of Low Blood Sugar

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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We are often told that we should cut down on the amount of sugar we consume—and for good reason. Too much sugar can lead to obesity, which can result in a variety of potentially serious health complications.

Although we should minimize our sugar intake, we should also be careful not to have too little of it. Glucose is very important for our body as it gives us energy and takes part as an essential ingredient in many functions. We could not live without it.

People with diabetes can struggle to keep their blood sugar levels up, as can healthy people if they don’t eat properly. Here are some of the symptoms that you might experience if your blood sugar level falls too low.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #1: Shaking

Sugar plays an important role in many parts of the body. One of them is the central nervous system, which can produce some unexpected symptoms if it doesn’t have the sugar it needs. If the glucose in your blood is too low the central nervous system can begin to malfunction.

It will begin to release chemicals called catecholamines that help to encourage the production of glucose. The release of these chemicals can lead to shaking, a common symptom of low blood sugar. If you are shaking without obvious explanation, you should arrange to speak with a medical professional.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #2: Extreme Hunger

We receive glucose from the food that we eat, which then gets metabolized or stored in the body as fat, making excess sugar consumption one of the leading causes of obesity. Our bodies are usually able to regulate just how much glucose there is in our bloodstream.

If your blood sugar levels drop for some reason, the body is likely to respond in order to compensate for the problem. One way to do this is by sending you signals to eat more, hopefully taking on board more glucose in the process. People with diabetes will often find that they have bouts of extreme hunger, even if they have eaten quite recently.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #3: Mood Swings

Life is full of ups and downs. Everything can be going smoothly and then, out of the blue, everything can be turned upside down. This means we are likely to go through periods of roller coaster emotions. Some people can experience mood swings even when there is nothing around them to influence their mood.

A low blood sugar level can cause unexpected outbursts and drastic changes in mood with no apparent reason. A mild change in mood can also indicate that your blood sugar level may be on its way down and that you should address the problem. Drastic mood swings can be caused by a wide range of factors and you should arrange to see a doctor to get the situation checked out.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #4: Difficulty Sleeping

Not getting enough sleep can cause serious disruption to somebody’s life. It’s not just that you feel tired, but you can also struggle to do your job and also struggle in social situations. Prolonged cases can cause problems at work and with friends, and can also lead to mental and physical health problems.

Nocturnal hypoglycemia can cause havoc with somebody’s sleeping patterns. If you do manage to get to sleep, you might find you will wake often, sometimes through nightmares. You can feel very confused and uneasy when waking and may also experience night sweats. Eating before going to bed might help overcome the problem.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #5: Anxiety

Anxiety happens when your body releases hormones and chemicals into the body with the intention of making us alert. In the wild, it would help to keep us safe from predators and other dangers by making sure that we give the problem our attention. Sometimes, though, it can occur even when there is no immediate danger present.

If your sugar levels are too low, then your body will release adrenaline which acts to tell the liver that it should be releasing more sugar. This isn’t the only thing the hormone does, though, as it also makes us alert and ready for danger. For this reason, a low blood sugar level can produce feelings of anxiousness.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #6: Blurred Vision

Most of us are fortunate enough to be born with very good vision. It is not as good as that of many other animals, and we can struggle to see in the dark, but we still gain all the information we need about the world around us. If we begin to lose our sight, things can become a lot harder for us.

Although many people find their eyesight begins to fade over time, it is usually a very gradual process. You won’t even notice at first, and it will slowly worsen until, eventually, you decide to see a professional to get it sorted. If it is fine one minute, though, and then blurred the next, the reason might be a low blood sugar level.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #7: Excess Sweating

Many anthropologists will tell you that the ability to sweat is something that helped us become the dominant species on our planet. It allows us to regulate our own body temperature—meaning that we can live in different environments, within reasonable limitations. It also allows us to travel long distances, along with various other advantages.

In the modern world, though, sweating tends to be seen as more of a hindrance than a benefit. We are often trying to limit how much we sweat and/or control the released odor. People with a low blood sugar level may find they suddenly begin to sweat profusely, and it is one of the first signs of this condition.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #8: Confusion

There aren’t many situations that get us confused. Of course, certain topics really tax our minds, but we generally tend to stay within our comfort zones. This means we usually manage to get through our days without getting confused much, if at all.

If your blood sugar level drops, however, then you might begin to have difficulty understanding even the easiest of things. You might get confused when discussing topics that you are well versed in, and you can find it difficult to focus on any one thing. This can be a symptom of a wide range of causes and it is something that you should consider getting checked out.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #9: Lightheadedness

It’s not uncommon for people to feel lightheaded sometimes. Quite often, it is because we have not eaten enough and our body is low on the energy it needs. It could also be down to other factors such as standing for too long or getting down with an illness.

Lightheadedness is a common symptom of a blood sugar that has dropped too low. If you do suffer from low blood sugar levels and you feel lightheaded, you should do what you can to remedy the situation as soon as possible. It is best to sit down or lay down straight away so that you don’t fall and injure yourself.

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Low Blood Sugar Sign #10: Slurred Speech

Anybody that likes a drink from time to time will know that speech can become impaired by alcohol to the point where it slows down and becomes slurred, making it difficult for others to understand. Alcohol is not the only cause, though, and slurred speech can be the result of a low blood sugar level.

With insufficient glucose to provide the energy that it needs, the brain will increasingly struggle to help us speak clearly. In fact, we are not even likely to recognize the problem because our brains have slowed too much to be able to notice. Sudden slurred speech can also be a sign of a stroke, so it is something that should not be taken lightly.

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