10 Signs of Kidney Stones

By dr. mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Chirag N Dave, M. (2020, February 28). Nephrolithiasis https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/437096-overview
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9. Fever

A fever is an increase in body temperature. Usually, the temperature should be above 38⁰C (100.4⁰F) in order to be considered as a fever, but this depends on the site where the temperature is being measured. A fever is usually a response of the body to a threat. By increasing the body’s thermostat set point, we start to shiver to generate heat in order to reach the new temperature that has been set.

This is not a very common finding associated with kidney stones, nevertheless, it might appear in patients with an underlying urinary tract infection. It can also be seen in patients experiencing complications from nephrolithiasis.

Kidney Stones

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