10 Signs of Kidney Stones

By dr. mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Chirag N Dave, M. (2020, February 28). Nephrolithiasis https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/437096-overview
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7. Frequent Urination

An increase in the normal urinary frequency is known as pollakiuria. This is a non-specific symptom associated with many conditions. It can be a condition on its own, or it can be linked to another condition in the urinary system such as urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney stones, and issues with bladder emptying.

Kidney stones that are located in the lower portion of the ureter are known to cause voiding problems like urinary frequency and pain during urination. Usually, the patient goes many times to urinate but only manages to pass little to none urine at all.

Kidney Stones

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