10 Signs of High Blood Pressure

By iliriana
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High Blood Pressure Sign #4: Difficulty Breathing

Another sign of high blood pressure is difficulty breathing. High blood pressure negatively impacts the ability to breathe normally because it reduces the blood flow to the lungs. The higher the blood pressure levels, the greater the possibility of having breathing difficulties. During a hypertensive crisis, when the blood pressure levels get over 180 mmHg, the lungs could even start to get filled with fluid, a condition known as pulmonary edema. Because the lungs start filling with fluid, the oxygen will lack in the organism, and breathing will become even more difficult. This is a medical emergency and seeking immediate medical help is necessary.

Whenever you experience difficulty breathing, you should seek medical help as determining the cause or treating it on your own is difficult, not to say impossible. One of the causes leading to difficulty of breathing could be high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

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