10 Side Effects of Low Potassium

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Low Potassium Side Effect #3: Heart Palpitations

We don’t usually notice that our hearts are beating at all. This is despite them beating all day, every day and even when we are sleeping. Occasionally, though, our heartbeats can be very noticeable indeed, particularly when we have just been exercising. We can also sometimes experience feeling that our hearts are skipping a beat or beating harder and faster. These are known as heart palpitations.

Potassium plays a role in helping to regulate your heartbeat. This means that if you don’t have enough potassium in your body then your heartbeat can be affected. Bear in mind that irregular heartbeats can be a sign of something serious, meaning you should check with a doctor to be sure.

Low Potassium

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