Shin Pain Causes, Treatments & More
- 1. 'Shin Splints - OrthoInfo - AAOS.' OrthoInfo,
- 2. 'Stress Fractures: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatment.' Cleveland Clinic,
- 3. 'Compartment Syndrome - OrthoInfo - AAOS.' OrthoInfo,
Stress Fractures
Most cases of shin pain are from shin splints. However, sometimes the cause is a stress fracture. These are tiny cracks, usually in the tibia bone, due to constant, repetitive force. The pain usually gets worse during exercise. It can also happen suddenly, unlike shin splints.2‘Stress Fractures: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatment.’ Cleveland Clinic,
Shin stress fractures can be difficult to identify as they share several symptoms with shin splints, and due to bone involvement, they usually require an x-ray to diagnose. Once identified, managing the condition is similar to shin splints.