10 Ruptured Appendix Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #6: Confusion or Delirium

Delirium or acute confusional state is a decline from a previously normal level of mental function due to an organic cause. This usually occurs over a short period of time ranging from hours to days. Delirium comprises changes in consciousness, cognition, and attention. There may also be other neurological deficits such as emotional disturbances, hallucinations, and changes in the sleep-wake cycle.

Delirium may occur due to an underlying disease process such as hypoxia, infection, side effects of medication, malnutrition, and sepsis. Delirium can occur in a ruptured appendix, especially when there is peritonitis and septic shock occurs due to the progress of the infection.

Ruptured Appendix

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