10 POTS Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #3: Sweating

Many people find sweating to be embarrassing or unsightly. It can also lead to unpleasant odors and we will often use deodorants and antiperspirants to prevent sweating and/or bad odors. Sweating performs a very important function for us, though, and is thought to be one of the leading benefits for mankind as our ancestors were evolving.

Sweating is usually caused by being too hot, but it can also be caused by some medical conditions. Indeed, many patients with POTS will often find that they can begin to sweat, especially when they go from a laying down position to standing up position, even if the room is at normal temperature. In this case, this sweating is due to involvement of the autonomic nervous system. If you are sweating and you don’t know why, you should make an appointment with your doctor.


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