Paronychia Symptoms, Causes and More

By gareth
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Leggit, Jeffrey C. 'Acute and Chronic Paronychia.' American Family Physician, 1 July 2017,
  • 2. Microorganisms Found on the Skin.' Microorganisms Found on the Skin | DermNet NZ,
  • 3. Rockwell, Pamela G. Acute and Chronic Paronychia.' American Family Physician, 15 Mar. 2001,
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Herpetic Whitlow

A herpetic whitlow looks similar to paronychia. It affects the fingernail and has some of the same symptoms, with red swelling and pain. It's an infection caused by the cold sore virus and develops after direct contact with a contagious sore. It commonly affects dental workers.[[4]]

One crucial difference is that as it's caused by a virus, a herpetic whitlow doesn't produce pus. Instead, a cloudy area of skin develops, often along with small blisters. Herpetic whitlows improve on their own.


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