Paronychia Symptoms, Causes and More

By gareth
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Leggit, Jeffrey C. 'Acute and Chronic Paronychia.' American Family Physician, 1 July 2017,
  • 2. Microorganisms Found on the Skin.' Microorganisms Found on the Skin | DermNet NZ,
  • 3. Rockwell, Pamela G. Acute and Chronic Paronychia.' American Family Physician, 15 Mar. 2001,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Managing Paronychia

If the paronychia case is mild and hasn't started to spread beyond the fingernail, it can often be managed at home. Topical antiseptic can help. Soaking the infected finger in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes several times daily can be effective and adding a small amount of salt can aid this process.3Rockwell, Pamela G. Acute and Chronic Paronychia.’ American Family Physician, 15 Mar. 2001,

In more severe cases, oral antibiotics may be necessary to reduce the infection. In rare cases, larger abscesses may need to be medically lanced and drained.


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