Paronychia Symptoms, Causes and More

By gareth
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Leggit, Jeffrey C. 'Acute and Chronic Paronychia.' American Family Physician, 1 July 2017,
  • 2. Microorganisms Found on the Skin.' Microorganisms Found on the Skin | DermNet NZ,
  • 3. Rockwell, Pamela G. Acute and Chronic Paronychia.' American Family Physician, 15 Mar. 2001,
Medical Expert Medical Expert


Paronychia can be challenging to prevent, but there are precautions that can be taken. This is important for people who experience the infection regularly or who have underlying conditions that put them at risk.

Work where the hands are submerged should be limited where possible. Waterproof gloves may be a good idea. The hands and fingernails should be kept clean and dried carefully. Ensure that clean, sterile instruments are used in any treatments that go near the nail.


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