MRSA Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

By jolene
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Symptom #1: Fever and Chills

Like any other infection, MRSA infections can cause a fever. Fevers occur when the body’s temperature is above 37 degrees Centigrade or above 98 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The body increases the set point of temperature as a higher body temperature helps the immune system to fight the infection.

In some cases where the fever is too high, it can lead to complications. If the fever is too high, you can try an over the counter anti-pyretic that helps to bring down the fever. Children with a high fever should seek medical attention if it persists. Chills describe a feeling of coldness that happens due to the release of cytokines and prostaglandins during fever. Shivering may also be present as it helps to produce heat to reach the new set point of body temperature.


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