Mongolian Spots Diagnosis, Causes & More

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Gupta D; Thappa DM. ‘Mongolian spots: How important are they?’ World Journal of Clinical Cases.
  • 2. ’Mongolian blue spots.’ Medline Plus.
  • 3. Kikuchi I. ‘What is a Mongolian Spot?’ International Journal of Dermatology. 1982’Mongolian Spot.’ American Osteopathic College of Dermatology.
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3. What Causes Mongolian Spots?

Mongolian spots are formed by collections of melanocytes, pigment-carrying cells, under the skin. It's not known why people with pigmented skin form them more readily, but research focuses on the development of these cells in the fetus and the time it takes for the body to absorb them.2’Mongolian blue spots.’ Medline Plus.

The National Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico has stated that the spots resulted from a mutant gene that arose 10,000 years ago in Mongolia. This supports speculation that Native Americans originated in Asia.3Kikuchi I. ‘What is a Mongolian Spot?’ International Journal of Dermatology. 1982’Mongolian Spot.’ American Osteopathic College of Dermatology.

Mongolian Spots

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