10 Low Stomach Acid Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #8: Foul Body Odor

Foul body odor can result from poor general hygiene. However, ruling out poor personal hygiene, foul breath or body odor, or both, may be due to low stomach acid. With low gastric acid, proper digestion of food does not happen. Additionally, microorganisms within the food and the gut have perfect conditions to proliferate unhindered. Activities of harmful bacteria and yeasts lead to the production of toxic chemicals.

While some of these chemicals leave the digestive system in fecal material, others are absorbed into the bloodstream. When this has been going on for some time, the liver and the kidneys, which are the body’s main detoxifying organs, have a hard time coping. As a consequence, some of the toxic chemicals remain in the bloodstream. When some of these toxins leave the bloodstream through sweating, they can cause foul body odor.

Low Stomach Acid

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