10 Low Stomach Acid Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #7: Hair Loss

Unexplained hair loss, especially in women, could be a symptom of low gastric acid. The same factors as those that lead to weak, cracking nails may be at play. Hair is mainly composed of a protein called keratin which is processed within the root of the hairs. As more keratin is produced, the dead part forms the hair shaft that appears above the scalp. The process also requires other nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, to grow healthy and strong hair.

If your body has insufficient amounts of these nutrients, it prioritizes their use such that the scalp and the hair only get what is left over after more essential functions have received their share. This is the reason why hair may start thinning and ultimately dropping off.

Low Stomach Acid

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