10 Signs of Liver Damage

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Sign #2: Yellow Skin

Most of the time, we have a healthy “glow” to our skin. This is often a good indicator of our health, and a lack of this glow can suggest that all is not well with us. If your skin takes on a yellow color, it is a clear indication that you may be very ill indeed. Yellow skin usually means that there is a problem with the liver.

As the liver is unable to deal with the bilirubin, this chemical is going to accumulate in the body. One of the most common manifestations of liver failure and other liver disease is the yellow coloring of the skin and mucosae, also known as jaundice. This is better observed on daylight. Many conditions may cause jaundice like Gilbert’s disease and are not necessarily associated with liver damage.

Liver Damage

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