10 Kidney Failure Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #3: Nocturia

Nocturia refers to the complaint where the affected individual has to wake up at night more than once to urinate. The two main mechanisms causing nocturia are vesical issues and hormone imbalances.

Nocturia can be divided into four primary causes: nocturnal polyuria (nephritic syndrome, liver failure, congestive heart failure), global polyuria (diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus), bladder storage disorders (neurogenic bladder dysfunction, anxiety disorders, prostatic obstruction), and mixed cause. In kidney failure patients, nocturia is a possible symptom due increased sodium excretion in the urine which is secondary to blood pressure not decreasing at night. This “non dipping” of blood pressure is common in those with chronic kidney disease.

Kidney Failure

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