10 Kidney Disease Symptoms
Symptom #6: Fatigue
Fatigue or being tired all of the time is a common symptom of kidney disease. Fatigue is often associated with many other health conditions, but if it is associated with other symptoms like foamy or bubbly urine, brown, red, or purple urine, frequent urination, and painful urination, then you should consider kidney disease.
Healthy kidneys produce erythropoietin, an important hormone in the normal functioning of the red blood cells and their role as carriers of oxygen throughout the body. In cases when there is kidney disease and they don’t function normally, the production of this important hormone is impaired, which leads to having fewer oxygenated red blood cells. This means that the entire body will receive less oxygen than necessary. Lack of erythropoietin due to kidney disease leads to the development of anemia. The lower the red blood cell count, the more tired a person will be.