10 Huntington's Disease Symptoms

By dr. mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Huntington Disease. Author: Fredy J. Revilla MD - https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1150165-overview#a5
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5. Postural Instability

A person’s posture is determined by the tone of many groups of muscles that are involved in keeping us erect against gravity. If the muscles are weak, the posture may suffer, causing neck and back pain due to overcompensation of the opposing muscles.

Patients suffering from Huntington’s disease are usually unable to maintain a steady posture due to the constant and uncontrollable movements associated with the disease. Involuntary movements start as fidgety-like movements but eventually result in more flagrant movements that make it hard for a person to maintain a normal posture.

Huntington's Disease

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