10 Huntington's Disease Symptoms

By dr. mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Huntington Disease. Author: Fredy J. Revilla MD - https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1150165-overview#a5
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4. Gait Disturbances

The sequence of movements involved in walking is usually taken for granted due to the lack of concentration or effort it takes for us to walk properly. A person’s gait might differ in certain aspects but essentially the mechanics are usually the same. Certain conditions may cause a person’s gait to be modified, causing them to walk in an odd way or even lo limp.

Late stages of Huntington’s disease are associated with muscle rigidity and Parkinson-like symptoms that eventually may cause a patient to develop a gait disturbance. Walking slowly, as being magnetically attached to the floor is a common finding among patients with this condition.

Huntington's Disease

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