How to Get Rid of Hiccups

By elizabeth
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Hiccups: Causes & Treatment.' Cleveland Clinic, 6 Jan. 2021,
  • 2. UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. 'Acupressure for Beginners.' Explore Integrative Medicine,
  • 3. Peleg, R., and A. Peleg. 'Case Report: Sexual Intercourse As Potential Treatment for Intractable Hiccups.' PubMed Central (PMC), Aug. 2000,
  • 4. Odeh, M., et al. 'Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage.' PubMed, Feb. 1990,
  • 5. Woelk, Cornelius J. 'Managing Hiccups.' PubMed Central (PMC), June 2011,
  • 6. 'Hiccups, Chronic.' NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders), 11 Feb. 2015,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Unconventional Measures

When all else fails, it may be time to try unconventional measures. These two adult-only techniques have demonstrated success. Number one is having an orgasm, with or without a partner. The theory is the excitement or surprise of achieving an orgasm can startle someone out of having the hiccups.3Peleg, R., and A. Peleg. ‘Case Report: Sexual Intercourse As Potential Treatment for Intractable Hiccups.’ PubMed Central (PMC), Aug. 2000,

Rectal massage is the second cessation measure. This technique was discovered with a 60-year-old man whose persistent hiccups finally went away after digital rectal massage was applied twice.4Odeh, M., et al. ‘Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage.’ PubMed, Feb. 1990,


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