How to Get Rid of Hiccups

By elizabeth
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Hiccups: Causes & Treatment.' Cleveland Clinic, 6 Jan. 2021,
  • 2. UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. 'Acupressure for Beginners.' Explore Integrative Medicine,
  • 3. Peleg, R., and A. Peleg. 'Case Report: Sexual Intercourse As Potential Treatment for Intractable Hiccups.' PubMed Central (PMC), Aug. 2000,
  • 4. Odeh, M., et al. 'Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage.' PubMed, Feb. 1990,
  • 5. Woelk, Cornelius J. 'Managing Hiccups.' PubMed Central (PMC), June 2011,
  • 6. 'Hiccups, Chronic.' NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders), 11 Feb. 2015,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Pressure Points and Nerve Stimulation

Many people swear by acupressure, using pressure points on one area of the body to relieve symptoms elsewhere.2UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. ‘Acupressure for Beginners.’ Explore Integrative Medicine, To try this technique, apply gentle pressure to the right palm with the left thumb or vice versa. There are a few acupressure points in the abdominal area as well.

To stimulate the phrenic nerve running between the spinal nerves in the neck and diaphragm, massage the back of the neck.


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