10 Home Remedies For Oral Thrush

By albert
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Home Remedy #8: Yogurt and Sauerkraut

Yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, and other fermented foods are high in beneficial microorganisms called probiotics. Eating these foods regularly can help increase the numbers of these beneficial microorganisms and thereby outgrow the Candida albicans fungus and harmful yeasts that cause oral thrush. Once this happens, your mouth and body microorganisms will balance out, leading to healing of the mouth candidiasis and other similar fungal infections.

For best results, eat probiotic foods that are low in sugar and yeast. Other probiotic-rich foods include kimchi and lacto-fermented vegetables, among others. Breastfeeding women who want to use this remedy for their infants can apply the juicy components of these probiotic foods to the nipple before breastfeeding.

Oral Thrush

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