10 Home Remedies For Oral Thrush

By albert
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Home Remedy #7: Raw Garlic

Raw garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. This makes raw garlic one of the most effective home remedies for oral thrush in both infants and adults.

When treating the thrush in infants, the breastfeeding mother should consume the raw garlic with meals. This will mean that the milk is infused with allicin to provide the antifungal properties to the baby. Adults, on the other hand, can chew 1–3 cloves of raw garlic daily. This helps to eliminate the lesions and kill the candida fungus. You can also take raw organic garlic supplements that work just as well. However, you may need to talk to a doctor if you prefer the garlic supplements.

Oral Thrush

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